Heart of Lincoln Square Neighbors Association

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Board meeting: Feb. 22, 2018

Inaugural Board Meeting

Heart of Lincoln Square Neighbors Association
7:00PM at Carbon Arc

Board Members Present:

Julia Brown
Emily Ransom
Dillon Goodson
Ken Edwards
Emily Friend
Paige Worthy

Not in Attendance:

Allen Schild
Emily Stone
Stephanie Maieritsch


  • Election of officers

  • Define term lengths

  • Discuss membership terms, dues, benefits, etc.

  • Date selection for next association meeting

Election of Officers:

Board Officer slate proposed as follows: Paige Worthy serving as President, Emily Stone serving as Vice President, Allen Child serving as Treasurer, Emily Ransom serving as Secretary. Motion made by Julia Brown to approve the slate. Motion carried unanimously.

Defining Term Lengths:

1 Year:
Paige Worthy
Dillon Goodson
Emily Friend
Stephanie Majeritsch

2 Year:
Ken Edwards
Julia Brown
Allen Schild
Emily Stone
Emily Ransom

Membership Dues Discussion

General consensus about membership cost falls within the $10–25 range. No vote held. 

Discussion about potential membership perks or local business discounts and potential charities to support with donations from membership dues concluded in the decision to research and create a list of charities and businesses located within our boundaries. No vote held.

Next Association Meeting

The next association meeting will be held on April 18th or 19th. Location to be determined. Time 7PM.

Prior to association meeting, surveys will be sent to unofficial members to garner feedback about which subcommittee they would like to see formed and potentially serve. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm

 Approved 3-19-18